Production and environmental consequence of the ecological and conventional crop production systems
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2009;54(3):183-187
This paper presents the results of 13-year study conducted in the experimental station IUNG - PIB in Osiny near Puławy, where the comparison of the different systems of agricultural production is showed. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of production and erwironmental aspects of farming systems which represent a different level of organization and intensity of applied technology. The productivity of plants and whole crop rotations in crop production systems: organic, conventional intensive, integrated and monoculture were analyzed in the paper. Environmental assessment was made on the basis of the analysis: the affluence of soil in nutrients, content of mineral nitrogen in soil and in soil filtrates. The highest yield of winter wheat, spring cereals and potatoes has been obtained in the integrated system. Productivity in the crop rotation was the biggest in the ecological system and integrated - 66 corn units, and the lowest was in the monoculture 50 corn units, Ecological system, compared with other one was characterized by the best indicators of environmental assessment: microbiological activity, concentration of mineral nitrogen in soil and in soil filtrates.
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