Protection possibilities of organic crops using plant oils in the European Union
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Institute of Plant Protection - National Research Institute ul. Władysława Węgorka 20, 60-310 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(4):7-12
Only products containing substances listed in the Regulations (EC) No 889/2008 and 354/2014 can be used in the protection of organic crops. Despite the common list of active substances and schemes of qualifying products for use in organic farming, availability of measures to protect organic farming in the Member States vary widely. The paper presents data collected in 2017. Obtaining information concerning the list of plant protection products qualified for use in organic farming was possible only for 12 Member States. Among the countries, the biggest number of products containing plant oils to protect organic crops has been approved in Germany, the Czech Republic and Luxembourg. No products containing plant oils are approved for use in organic farming in Croatia, Lithuania, Poland and United Kingdom. Pinole and rapeseed oil have the broadest protection capacity for each group of organic farming: agricultural, vegetable, fruit and ornamental. Plant oils most frequently registered in the products approved for use in organic farming include rapeseed oil, mint oil and orange oil. Differences in the availability of ways to protect organic farming in the Member States hinder equal competition in the common market.
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