The incomes of ecological farms in functional regions of rural areas in Lower Silesia
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2010;55(3):86-94
In 2008 in Lower Silesia there were registered 879 ecological farms, out of which 11,7% farms located in I functional region of rural areas. 12,6% in II region, 46,8% in III, 17,6% in IV and 11,3% in V functional region. Investigation regarding incomes involved 39 ecological farms, which constituted 4% of general population. The farms were divided according to the following area groups: to 9,99 ha, 10,00 - 29,99 ha, 30,00 - 49,99 ha and over 50,00 ha. Selection of farms in particular regions and area groups was done due to purposive - random method. Average farm size amounted 50,43 ha, while leasehold covered about 50% of farm area. Diversification of farm areas ranged from 2,2 ha to 266,4 ha. Among ecological farms subjected to examination 84,6% were the holders of ecological farm certificate, while the remaining 15,4% were in the course of their transformation. Incomes obtained from 1 ha varied considerably, ranging from 295 to 2559 zł/ha. Within incomes structure, agricultural production subsidies amounted from 11,6% to 36,8% , depending on farm size and average value for the whole examined sample was w 25,5%. 35,9% of farmers involved in investigation stated that ecological production subsidies were sufficient, while the remaining group (64,1%) estimated that subsidies were too low and they proposed from 40 to 400% higher sums than the current ones
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