Garlic, chamomile and marigold suitability for vegetables seed dressing
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(4):52-57
Seeds of parsley (var. Berlinska) and lettuce (var. Ewelina) were treated with powdered garlic, herb of marigold and chamomile separately and in combination. All the treatments caused a decrease of field emergence ability comparing to the control. In case of lettuce the lowest field emergence ability was observed for seed treated with combination of chamomile and marigold and in case of parsley - seed treated with chamomile. The highest yield of lettuce was obtained from untreated seeds, herbal seed treatments caused 50% yield decrease comparing to the control. The lowest yield was from seeds treated with powdered marigold and marigold in combination with garlic. Parsley seed treatment with garlic+marigold, garlic+chamomile, chamomile+marigold caused increase of yield comparing to the untreated control. However only in garlic+marigold combination the difference was significant. The lowest yield of parsley was obtained from the seeds treated with chamomile.
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