The usefulness of vegetable species and cultivars for organic cultivation
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(3):15-19
The development of organic agriculture, supported in UE for many years is also listed in Polish Program of Rural Devel-opment for years 2007-2013. Restricted use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides in organic production causes higher re-quirements concerning cultivars than in conventional one. The proper variety selection is considered as the easiest and most effective method of production risk limitation and pest infestation. The aim of the research conducted in years 2008 - 2010 was to define species and cultivars from Cucurbita and root crops most suitable for organic production of vegetables. In species and cultivars selection the economic value, market interest, earliness, fertilizer requirements, susceptibility to weeds and pest resistance were considered. Cucumber, zucchini, winter squash and celeriac were grown on ploughed in in autumn red clover and carrot after winter wheat. In spring compost (20 - 25 t/ha) or dried chicken manure (3 t/ha) were applied. New cucumber cultivars (Odys F1, Rodos F1, Kronos F1, Tymon F1), resistant or tolerant to downy mildew, ensured high yield of good quality. Zucchini cultivars setting a lot of fruits and less susceptible to powdery mildew were the most convenient to organic cultivation. Karowita, Justynka and Uchiki Kuri (type Hokkaido) were the highest yielding cultivars of small fruits and high intensive flesh colour. The yield of carrot was about 19% lower in organic cultivation than in con-ventional one. Dutch varieties (Komarno F1, Joba) gave higher yield and have better colour of root flash than the old polish ones (Perfekcja i Regulska). Red clover grown as a precrop and compost fertilization provided in soil a proper nutrient availability for celeriac. Cultivar Diamant gave higher yield and better root quality than cv. Edward.
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