The usefulness of Cole crops species and cultivars for organic production
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(3):190-193
Increasing consumer awareness makes every year an increasing demand for organic food. In the EU market of organic food is well organized, while in Poland the production and distribution of organic food is faced with many difficulties. Restricted use of synthetic pesticides and mineral fertilization in organic production makes crop and variety selection the great important factor for production efficiency. Requirements for the varieties are higher in organic farming than in conventional one, but this is the easiest and most effective method of crop risk reduction. The aim of the research conducted in the years 2009 - 2011 was to determine the suitability of species and varieties of Brassica crop for organic farming. In the selection the economic crop value, fertilizer requirements, susceptibility to disease pests were considered. Cole crops were grown on ploughed red clover or legume mixture and spring fertilizing with compost (25 t? ha-1). Hybrid varieties Discover F1, Impala F1 and Lennox F1 were among the varieties of cabbage most suitable for organic cultivation. The old variety Kamienna Głowa was also suitable for organic production, despite a lower uniformity of the heads. Kohlrabi was a species well suited for organic farming due to the short period of cultivation, lower nutritional requirements and less susceptible to pests and diseases. Among the examined varieties of kohlrabi best results were obtained for the late variety Kossak F1 (white). For organic farming the old, established varieties Alka and Delikates Blauer (blue) are also suitable. For early crops, a very early variety Vikora F1, can be recommended but a harvest of this variety must be done on time. Delayed harvest results in tuber cracking.
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