Organic bee keeping in Europe and in the world
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(4):102-106
The First International Conference on Organic Bee keeping took place in August 27th - 29th, 2010 in Nessebar in Bulgaria. The basic rules of organic apiaries in the different countries in the world were the main topics of conference. Apimondia (with its President Gilles Ratia) was the main organizer and well known in bee keeping science Stefan Bogdanov - the coordinator of conference. The most important thing is to elaborate the plan of development and running organic bee keeping in the hard environmental conditions. 0,1-13,0% of total beekeepers have organic apiaries in 9 countries in EU. In Bulgaria, Germany, France, Greece, Italy and Spain number of certificated apiaries is from 1 000 to 100 000, what is 0,1- 8,0% of total number of bee colonies. The most of them are in Italy. There are 11 bee colonies per one beekeeper in Italy to 300 in Bulgaria and Spain. There are 100 000 organic bee colonies in Italy, 57 600 in Spain and 44 861 in Bulgaria. In the most of European countries which aren't EU members organic bee keeping is on the beginning of development way. Brasil is the biggest producer of organic honey in the world (40 000 tonnes). Also Argentina and Mexico are very important producers of organic honey (1 279 and 1 150 tonnes).
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