Quality changes and crop losses of tubers during storage
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University of Life Sciences in Poznan, Department of Agronomy, Dojazd 11, 60-632 Poznan, Poland
Agricultural Holding „Dobrynka” in Debrzno sp. z o. o. , Debrzno Wieś 41, 77-420 Lipka, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2015;60(3):39-41
The experiment was conducted in a potato store in Łąkie, belonging to the farm "Dobrynka". Research factors in the experiment
were: variety (Primadonna, Red Lady, Satina) and the location of containers in column (counting from the bottom
- first, second, third, fourth). The potatoes were stored at 2-4oC air temperature and relative humidity of 70-80%. The aim
of the study was to determine quality changes and yield losses of tubers during storage. It was found that out of the studied
factors, ‘variety’ decided most of the size and quality of the storage losses of the tubers. Regardless of the variety, the most
significant natural losses were found in the mass of tubers stored on the first and second, and the smallest - on the fourth
level. The studied factors had no effect on the changes in the useful value of tubers during storage.
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