The aim of the 2 years (2006-2007) experiments carried out with carrots was to determine the influence of biostimulators from seaweed (AlgaminoPlant) and leonardite (HumiPlant) on growth and yield of the crops. Two systems of application were compared. In the first HumiPlant (30 Lźha-1) was used directly after sowing and 0,5 Lźha-1at 1-2 leaves stage of carrots, afterwards AlgaminoPlant was applied four times (1 Lźha-1) in 7-14 days intervals. In the second system AlgaminoPlant was applied four times at the rate of 1 Lźha-1 for each treatment. Tendency of the yield increasing and positive changes in chemical composition after both treatments were observed. The content of nitrates was decreased and carotenoids were slightly increased. Soaking carrot and parsley seeds in 2% AlgaminoPlant water solution accelerated germination and improved germinability of seeds.
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