Reaction of winter spelt varieties on manure fertilization
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2010;55(4):126-130
At Agronomy Department of Poznań University of Life Sciences in 2007-2009, experiments on reaction of two winter spelt cultivars (Schwabenpelz, Badengold) on manure fertilization (manure doses 0, 15 and 30 t*ha-1) were carried out. Moreover it was intended to find the optimal manure doses for this cultivars. Spelt cultivars Schwabenpelz and Badengold were strongly influenced by weather conditions, specially precipitation during vegetation period. In the suitable year for plants growth investigated cultivars yielded twice higher then in the year with low rainfall. It turned out that application of 15 tons of manure per hectare was advantageous for spelt. Higher rate didn't increase the yield and often caused tendency for yield decreasing. Both Schwabenpelz and Badengold cultivars reacted to natural fertilizer similarly. Badengold cv. Yielded higher then Schwabenpelz cv. and the difference reached 7.3 t*ha-1 (51%). That sequence was observed in both years and all cultivation variants.
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