Reaction of hybrid rye to no-tillage cultivation
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(4):65-67
In the years of 2010 and 2011, on the farm in Bobrowniki near Słupsk, a field experiment was carried out on soil with a granulometry of strong clayey sand, where the reaction of hybrid rye to the application of two cultivation systems was compared. The application of a no-tillage system, where the Cultus aggregate manufactured by Väderstad was the basic cultivating tool, did not cause any essential differences in the quantity of the yield and in the selected elements of its structure. The average yield of seeds obtained for the two years of the research was 7.70 tźha-1 and it was lower than the one obtained in tillage cultivation by 1.5%. The stock of ears in the area unit was larger on the objects with no-tillage cultivation by 1.5%. The ears from the objects with no-tillage cultivation were longer by 0.6%. The mass of the grain in the ear and the quantity of grains in the ear was larger on the objects with no-tillage cultivation by ca. 2.5%, while the mass of one thousand of seeds was greater by 0.9%.
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