Regional differentiation of the power of agricultural tractors purchased in Poland in the years 2006-2013
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Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu, Wydział Rolnictwa i Bioinżynierii, Instytut Inżynierii Biosystemów, ul. Wojska Polskiego 27, 60-637 Poznań, Poland
KUHN Maszyny Rolnicze Sp. z o.o., Jelonek k. Poznania, ul. Orzechowa 1, 62-002 Suchy Las, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(1):10-14
It has been shown, that during the investigated period of 2006-2013 in all analyzed regions of Poland: north-west, south-west, north-east and south-east, the majority of purchased tractors was in the power group of: 75-90 and 90-118 kW and, approximately, about half fewer within the groups of power 75-90 and 90-118 kW. However, in the Western Poland, especially in the south-east region, much more new and used tractors with the power 18-75 kW were purchased. Generally, in all regions purchases concerned more of used tractors rather than new ones in the group of power 37-59 kW, on the other hand, much more of new tractors than used ones were purchased in the group of power 59-75 kW. The total power of the implemented tractors for usage was the highest in the south-east region, at the lowest equivalent average power of an individual tractor. It has been shown, that during the years 2006-2013 there was a moderate upward trend of the average equivalent power of tractors, purchased only in the regions of lowest power saturation - i.e. in the south-west and north-east regions.
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