Relative feed value of sward from permanent dry meadow before and after renovation at different fertilisation
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Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Falentach, Zakład Użytków Zielonych al. Hrabska 3, Falenty, 05-090 Raszyn, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(4):13-17
It is possible to obtain much wholesome bulk fodder that meets the requirements of highly productive animals from permanent grasslands of appropriate species composition. Important components of such fodder are: neutral detergent fibres (NDF) and acid detergent fibres (ADF). Based on their content one may calculate digestibility of dry mass (DDM), dry mass intake (DMI) and relative feed value (RFV). Presented studies were performed in the years 2009-2014 on five plots in a long-term experiment situated on a permanent dry ground meadow, that belonged to the Experimental Farm of the ITP in Falenty. In spring 2012 the meadow was renovated through undersowing. Mean values of analysed parameters were similar and more distinct differences were found between cuts and subsequent study years. Mean NDF content ranged between 501 and 567 g kg-1 while ADF content - between 265 and 325 g kg-1. Digestibility of analysed sward was lower than optimum and amounted from 60.1 do 63.6 % dry mass. Intake was assessed at 2.12 to 2.48%. Mean values of RFV were in the range of 100 to 120 which placed the fodder in the third and fourth quality class according to Linn and Martin [8].
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