Response of corn seedlings on mint and caraway essential oils in microencapsulated formulation
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University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, Department of Plant Physiology, ul. Podłużna 3, 30-239 Kraków, Poland
University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, Department of Agricultural Environment Protection, al. Mickiewicza, 21, 31-120 Kraków, Poland
University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, Department of Agrotechnology and Agricultural Ecology, al. Mickiewicza, 21, 31-120 Kraków
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2018;63(3):62-69
The aim of this study was to examine the influence of microencapsulated essential oils (EO) of peppermint (Mentha × piperita L.) and caraway (Carum carvi L.) on the initial growth and metabolism of maize (Zea mays L.). Four concentrations EO of caraway and peppermint, i.e. 3, 30, 300 and 3000 mg·L-1, were used. The influence of EO on the energy of germination of seeds, germination coefficient, biometry of seedlings, infection of seedlings by blight, activity of amylases in seeds, electrolyte leakage and efficiency of photosystem II were assessed. The results of an experiment showed that EO only in the highest concentrations have an inhibitory effect on the initial growth of maize. Concentrations in the range of 3-300 mg·L-1 do not limit the growth of maize seedlings. The EO in the lowest concentrations have a limiting effect on the pathogenesis of seedling blight caused by microorganisms of the natural seed microbiome. Based on the results, it can be concluded that peppermint and caraway EO have potential as a natural herbicide in the maize protection.
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