Results of two years’ operating-functional research of the photovoltaic collector system
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Institute of Technology and Life Sciences in Falenty, Poznań Branch, Poland
Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland
Solera Kobus
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2014;59(4):94-97
The operating-functional research was conducted on a set of photovoltaic panels with power of 12.88 kW operating since June 2012. The economic and energetic analysis of the research stand and its practical suitability for a small family farm was performed in order to use the generated electricity to satisfy the farm’s current demands. The research results have shown that the amount of electricity generated by photovoltaic panels would be sufficient to cooperate with other renewable energy sources (e.g. power supply of heat pumps) collecting and processing heat from livestock buildings or ground heat exchangers to heat up tap water and buildings. In the period from June 2012 to June 2013 10480 kWh of electricity with an average production of 815.2 kWh annually was produced, and in the period from June 2013 to June 2014 11519 kWh of electricity with an average production of 959.9 kWh monthly was generated. The panel was inclined at 20° to the Earth’s axis and at 210° to the north (as per the compass rose: S-S-W direction).
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