Types of organic production in the Lower Silesia
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(3):108-116
In early 2010, in Lower Silesia, there were 1,025 organic farms, including 47% of households had a status of "inconversion". Most of them, up to 23% of organic farms were located in the county Kłodzko and 16% in the district of Wroclaw. The diversity of organic farms in various districts of Lower Silesia was high and ranged from 1 (Strzelin district) to 235 ( Kłodzko district). Lot of factors had an influence on such a large diversity of organic farms deployment and the most important included the quality of agricultural production surface. A characteristic feature of organic farms of Lower Silesia is that about 80% of the main type of organic production are meadows and pastures (package 58A) and fodder crops for animal feed (pack 50A to 57A). Cereal Organic-grown consisted of wheat and spelled (from 3% to 30% of producers) quite a lot consisted of more than 20% rye, oats, from 7.5% to 28.6% and buckwheat. Production of vegetables and fruits is listed only in a few percent of the farms. Due to the possibility of high subsidies for orchards planted with walnut, this package (A 67) has become the direction of production of several agricultural producers. Organic farms of Lower Silesia are mainly focused on plant production. Only in about 20% of organic farms production is carried out by organic livestock, which provides cow's milk, goat cheese, veal, beef and eggs. In tourist areas the equines were bred in many organic farms for recreational purposes.
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www.organic Word.net/statistics.