Ecological farming and agritourism - the attempt of depiction mutual dependences
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2006;51(2):224-229
The ecological agriculture is an element of sustainable development. From year to year it gains on the importance. The similar tendency is identified in the case of tourism. The common practice of many farms is offering of agritourism services. While there are present in their surroundings some worth nature resources, this activity is called as ecoagritourism. It is a product of combining between the rural tourism (ecotourism and agritourism) and ecological agriculture. This ecoagritourism is a new paradigm, so because of this it is some need to analyse it's background in the aspect of interactions. This analysis is based on the innovative conception of ecoagritourim triangle, which make easy to define some possibilities, benefits an needs to support this system. The presented approach is some reason to create vision of ecoagritourism communities which are supported by the clusters conception. This viewpoint allow to identify possible directions of changes at the case of different encouraginf instrument from side of the state. The best instrument of coordination at ecoagritourism planning is Project of Tourism Development Strategy for 2007-2013.
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