Organic farming in Germany in the years 2004-2007. State and developmental tendencies
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2008;53(3):166-170
Germany, as one of the most developed countries in organic farming of the European Union, is characterised by well functioning organic branch, as well as production, as also processing, and marketing of organic products. The changes observed in the years 2004-2006 in the German organic farming at the level of country and at the level of particular regions show the actual developmental tendencies of this branch of farming in the European Union. 2006 in Germany were 17 557 organic farms with an using area of 825 539 ha. The most developed German regions in organic farming were: Bavaria and Baden-Wirttemberg. The main channel of selling of organic products in Germany is the retail selling in discounts and supermarkets with own trade mark. It is evaluated, that the selling with organic products in Germany in 2008 will bring about 6 mld Euro.
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