Organic farming in the opinion of conventional farming producers
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2009;54(4):50-54
The purpose of this study is to present and carry out comparative analysis of the opinions of farming producers from Wielkopolska region about positive and negative aspects associated with keeping of ecological farms, as well as motives for undertake the organic food production. These opinions expressed as part of the twice repeated questionnaire survey - in 2005 and 2007. The conclusion of executed research, this: 1) the organic farming was a most familiar term for the farming producers out off different notions determining the farming methods which are friendly to the environment, 2) the concen for the health of the family was the most important factor decisive for taking the management of environmental methods, recognized by respondents in two succeeding examinations, 3) the half of examined farmers population recognized the ecological food production as attractive, 4) the huge majority of examined farming producers would like to expand its knowledge about the organic farming.
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