Organic farming in Opolski voivodeship - present conditions, chosen productive aspects, chances for development
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2010;55(3):210-218
Opolski voivodeship has very good conditions for agricultural production. The agricultural space is used in relatively intensive way there, compared to other Polish regions. High consumption of chemical fertilizers, high crops and animals unitproductivities are observed compared to average quantities in Poland. The high production indices often do not motivate conventional farmers to more active working in frame of organic farming system. It is rather difficult to make a decision about farming production, which is friendly for the environment when the farm is involved in the intensive agricultural production. Results of production are usually lower in organic farms in comparison with traditional ones, however it is observed that they have more beneficial influence on the soil environment. The number of organic farms and their agricultural lands area are still lower in Poland. Every year few new farms appear, but simultaneously some of them resign the organic production, in these farms which had a certificate by many years. There are several producers' motives relating to making decisions about organic farming production or resignation of it.
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