Differences in quality of potato tubers growing in organic system depending on some agronomical factors
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2007;52(4):108-113
In the year 2006 the experiments concerning potato growing in organic production system in two places on 2 different types of soil and different agronomical conditions were carried out. 8 cultivars of different earliness were taken into account. In experiments following elements were assessed: yield of tubers, external and internal disorders, chemical composition of tubers. It was found that the yield as well as its quality depended not only on the production system but also on climatic-soil and agronomical conditions. On better soil and better crop rotation the yield was over twice more than on worse one. More external disorders was found on better soil. In that conditions there was significant higher dry matter and starch content. It was not significant differences in vitamin C. In this year dangerous phenomena were observed: very early and early cultivars grown on good soil collected high amount of nitrates. The reason was probably unfavorable weather conditions and very rich crop rotation.
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