Development and yielding of grain maize treated with Biochikol 020 PC, in comparison with crops dressed with V\itavax 200 WS and a control without any dressing
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2010;55(4):33-35
In Polish conditions, maize is liable to many stresses, particularly to a drought. The use of chitozan contained in Biochicol 020 PC preparation can be conducive to maize development and contribute to its increased yielding. In studies carried out on a light soil, in 2005-2007, the reaction of grain maize was analyzed as result of the application of Biochikol 020 PC biostimulator used in the form of dressing and dressing + two-fold foliar spraying with Biochikol in relation to dressing with Vitavax 200 FS and to control without any dressing. No significant effect of biostimulator on the course of maize vegetation, health and the quantity of plants and their ear development was found. The application of Biochikol 020 PC did not contribute to any significant grain yield increase and to any improvement of grain moisture, as compared with the control and fungicide dressing.
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