Development and structure of ecological agriculture in Germany
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(4):46-51
The aim of this study was to present the current status of quantitative and economic situation of organic farming in Germany. In this work the source materials of the Federal Statistical Office and a number of associations and organizations for organic farming as BOLW, Soel, issued in 2008-2011. The analysis of these materials indicates that significant development of organic farming in Germany (as well as throughout the European Union) occurred only in the 90's, when legal and organizational framework was created and support of EU and national funds followed. In 2010 the area of organic farms in Germany amounted to almost 1 million hectares, and the number of organic farms is nearly 22.000. In the former, the GDR share of organic farms is close to 9%, which is nearly twice as much as in former West Germany (5%). Average size of organic farms in Germany is 45 hectares, about half of organic farming in Germany are united in various associations, and the remaining (48.3%) farms operate according to EU rules on organic farming. EU-Organic Farms manage on about 32% of the area and the relatively smaller areas of agricultural land. In the organic farms compared to conventional farms of similar economic size and structure, there is a higher density of employees (about 30%, two times bigger expenditure on staff) and also obtained more than half as low yields of wheat and about 20 per cent lower milk yield. According to experts, the German organic farming has still significant growth potential.
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