Search for innovative solutions in building isothermal bodies for food carriage
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Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2014;59(2):21-25
This paper outlines the research area of new heat-insulating materials useful for the production of sandwich plate for building
isothermal bodies. It also presents the inappropriate solutions of construction nodes causing the occurrence of heat
leakage bridges, and thus the increase of the value of overall heat-transfer coefficient (of the whole body). The last part of
the paper presents the advancement procedure for the prototype isothermal body. Information obtained on the basis of the
analysis of the thermovision photographs (as well as local measurements of heat-transfer coefficient values) is very important
for this procedure. The presented information is connected with the realisation of the research project PBS1/B6/6/2012
“Elaboration of production technology for complete semi-trailer for food transport in refrigeration conditions of improved
technological parameters” (a leader - the firm Wielton from Wielun, consortium members: Poznań University of Technology
and Industrial Institute of Agricultural Machines in Poznan [2]).
Fizyczne podstawy diagnostyki układów termoizolacyjnych do transportu żywności. Praca zbiorowa pod red. K. Bieńczaka, Radom: Wyd. ITeE.
Projekt badawczy: „Opracowanie technologii produkcji kompletnej naczepy do przewozu żywności w warunkach chłodniczych o ulepszonych parametrach technicznych” (PBS1/B6/6/2012).
Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for such Carriage. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe New York and Geneva, 2013.