Efficacy of biological and chemical active compounds in protection of triticum durum against fungal dieseases
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2008;53(4):30-32
The field experiments were conducted in 2006-2007 in Złotniki Experimental Station of University of Life Sciences in Poznań. The aim of this study was to determine leaf and ear disease severity on winter triticum durum as affected by different plant protection ways. Treatments included biologically active compounds: Siarkol Extra 80 WP, Asahi SL and chemical compounds: Sportak Alpha 380 EC, Amistar 250 SC, as well as foliar fertilizer Agroleaf Total 20+20+20. The occurrence of diseases of triticum durum was depended on weather conditions. Application of biological active compounds decreased infestation by fungi pathogens, though their effectiveness were less than fungicides.
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