The preliminary research with spinosad used to control of colorado potato beetle leptinotarsa decemlineata (say)
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2008;53(3):149-151
In the paper are presented preliminary results of research on use of spinosad to control of adults and older stages of development of Colorado potato beetle in the laboratory conditions. Three of spinosad concentrations (0.2; 0.1; 0.05 %) were used. Spinosad was applied by spray both insects and leaves of potato during one treatment. Toxicity of spinosad was by contact and ingestion. The results show that all tested concentrations have done the mortality of insects and the level of efficacy of treatments was higher as well as the concentration was increased. In the case of 0.1% concentration was reached the 60% mortality, differences between mortality for different stages of development were not found. For 0.05% concentration was reached only 30% mortality and this effect in the field conditions is not promising.
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