Specific emission of harmful compounds analysis from an agricultural tractor in a modified NRSC test
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Politechnika Poznańska, Instytut Silników Spalinowych i Transportu, Poznań, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2018;63(4):220-224
Non-road vehicles type approval tests consist of testing the combustion engines themselves on engine dynamometer stations. As a part of these tests, NRSC and NRTC tests are conducted. The many years of research conducted by the Poznan University of Technology revealed differences in the actual specific emission of toxic components of exhaust gases from agricultural machinery compared to the type approval tests. This is related to the different operating conditions of the internal combustion engine relative to the test cycles. For this reason, the authors conducted a study of the actual emission from an agricultural tractor in a 13-phase NRSC test, modified to more closely reflect real operating conditions. These points were determined on the basis of operating points obtained from tests in real operating conditions. Before the tests, the tractor engine was warmed up to its operating temperature, after which it was loaded by the power take-off shaft with a portable engine dynamometer system. Analyzers from the PEMS group were connected to the tractor's exhaust system, which allowed to determine the concentrations of exhaust components such as CO, HC, NOx, PM, in the type approval testing process. The exhaust emission tests were extended with the solid particles number emission as well as their dimensional distribution, which while not limited through emission norms, is still very important from the point of view of human health and life. The analysis of the results allowed to determine the limit value excess level of specific compounds from the tractor.
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