The selection of investigative testing methods on the basis of the classification arising from the community typology of agricultural holdings
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2007;52(3):70-72
The author attempts to grade small organic agriculture farms located in the Świętokrzyskie region using the agricultural holdings farm type classification in accordance with the Community Typology of Agricultural Holdings (Commission Decision 85/377/EEC of 7th June 1985). The agricultural holdings farm type classification has been chosen on the basis of the standard relative contribution to overall profit in the general value of the Standard Gross Margin of a particular farm. The calculation of organic plant production and animal production, as well as the determination of farm size and the scale of each enterprise present on the farm, has been made on the basis of secondary sources, that is, plans of agricultural production and environmental activities conducted on the farm, as well as applications for both agricultural and environmental subsidies in virtue of activities performed, including those resulting from the improvement of animal well-being. The reckoning of standard relative contribution had been made on the basis of regional tables worked out by the Agricultural Accountancy Department of the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics - National Research Institute and aggregated coefficients of standard relative contribution in 2002 for Farm Structure Survey codes in force in European Union member countries. The classification made in the article is aimed at selecting a representative group of organic agriculture farms in the Świętokrzyskie region majoring in vegetable and horticultural production.
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