Current situation and development possibilities of organic agriculture in Podkarpacie region
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2007;52(3):89-94
In times of rapid development of organic farming there is a need to investigate how the situation within is changing. In Poland, area of organic farming reached already 1%. If maintaining this rate of increase Poland soon will be able to reach average European Union share in total organic farmland. Particularly podkarpackie voivodeship is a region of Poland with relatively good condition for agriculture production and priceless values of pure, natural environment. In coming future Polish agriculture will face the chance to become one of the largest suppliers of organic food in Europe. Up to recent times, weak points (in common opinion) of farming system turned into advantages. Comparatively extensive agriculture is the reason why natural environment survived in such good condition. Today Podkarpacie region is abundant in biodiversity, which is in short in majority European countries. That's a good forecast to the future of organic agriculture in the Podkarpacie region. The results of this thesis reveal the possibility of development of organic farming in podkarpackie voivodeship. Rising consumer awareness and taking advantages of subsidies and skilled dealing with market reality is expected as a chance for farmers. Above manners of development combined together may dynamise mutual beneficial cooperation between mankind and nature.
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