Assessment of the ammonia emission from the cattle production in Wielkopolska voivodeship
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(3):175-178
The amount of cattle heads according to the keeping systems for particular age and production categories for the year 2010 in wielkopolska province has been determined. Two methods for the ammonia emission calculation have been used. For the first one the emission sources classification SNAP (Selected Nomenclature for Air Pollution) has been used, while for the second one the cattle age, cows milking capacities as well as animal keeping systems have been considered. Ammonia emission calculated by using the first method was about 10% higher than the one calculated by using the second method. In our country the cattle amount keeping in the free stall system as well as the cows milking capacity are increasing. Therefore it is important to monitor the amount of ammonia emission.
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