Opportunities for the development of organic farming system in the Podlaskie province (region of wysokomazowiecki district)
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(3):236-242
In the rapidly growing number of organic farms and processing plants in Poland, there is a need for research on the development of this management system as well as the barriers that impede this development. The paper describes the development of organic farming system and an indication of the scope of necessary action to facilitate the further development of this system in the Podlaskie province. The survey study was conducted in 2008-2010, in all 17 organic farms located in wysokomazowieckie county, and in another 33 organic farms located in neighboring municipalities to the wysokomazowiecki county in Podlaskie Province. Among all 50 farms certified had been 39 and 11 had been in the course of conversion process. Furthermore, in order to better determine the conditions of agricultural production 101 randomly selected conventional farms located in wysokomazowiecki district were also surveyed. The results indicate that in the wysokomazowiecki district there are significant environmental and social predispositions for the development of organic farming. The lack of integration among organic farmers, lack of adequate knowledge and support from advisers extension service is a major obstacle in the development of organic farms. The problem is also in the lack of predisposition on the market. The solution of the lack of market for organic products and market infrastructure. Systematic implementation of organic milk production by holding in conjunction with the market potential of dairies in Podlasie may be the solution of the lack of market for organic products and market infrastructure.
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