The analisys of the influence of cooling rate during laser alloying with silicon nitride on surface layer state of cast iron machine parts
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Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Machines and Motor Vehicle, Poznan, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2015;60(1):74-79
The aim of this was to evaluate influence of different heat treatment conditions on microstructure and hardness of surface layer of cast iron elements. The molecular CO2 laser with 2600W output power and TEM01 mode was used to perform surface modification. An optical and scanning microscopes, Auger electron spectroscope, X-ray diffractometer, EDS microanalyser and hardness Vickers tester were used to assess the result of the surface modification. The research showed, that it is possible to modify the surface layer of cast iron by laser alloying with silicon nitride. After laser alloying it is possible to achieve the alloyed zone (containing nitrogen and silicon) with uniform, fine, dendritic microstructure similar to the hardened white cast iron. Microstructure of alloyed zone as well as its size depended on laser heat treatment parameters. In case of alloyed zones formed with higher laser power density and its smaller interaction time (which generate higher cooling rates) it was noted higher amount of undiluted graphite and new-formed phases like Fe1,94C0,055, FeN0,032, FeN0,076, FeSi, Fe2Si. In case of alloyed zone formed with higher cooling rate alloyed zone microstructure was finer and more homogenous. The average hardness of alloyed zone with silicon nitride was 5-times higher than matrix of the bulk material. Improved hardness of surface layer of cast iron by laser alloying with silicon nitride should favor better wear resistance of machine part cast iron treated in this way.
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