The analysis of the mass and morphological composition of waste produced by the meat industry
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University of Agriculture in Krakow, Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Informatics, ul. Balicka 116 B, 30-149 Kraków, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(1):122-126
In 2009, meat preserves were produced by approximately 2700 plants in Poland. Used in the process of production and processing of meat, raw materials are not fully utilized and this results in the formation of by-products in the form of remnants of unused raw materials and different types of waste (which is the consequence of the operation of machinery, buildings and devices). The ultimate purpose of the study was to analyze the mass and morphological composition of waste generated in the process of meat production and processing in the years 2011-2013. The analysis was carried out for the macroregion of Southern Poland (the Śląskie, the Świętokrzyskie, the Małopolskie and the Podkarpackie provinces). For the analyzed period of time information about the waste from around 300 companies involved in the meat industry which submitted a report to the Marshal's Office was obtained. These companies generated on average 586 ± 211 Mg of waste per year. 1 Mg of produced meat generates over 290 kg of waste in the plants located in the analyzed area. The largest share of all generated waste comprises a group classified according to the Waste Catalogue as 02 02. Among the waste, the biggest, well over 40%, share is created by animal tissue waste.
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