The assessment of the sensory quality of the sauerkraut from organic and conventional farming
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Gdynia Maritime University, Department of Commodity and Quality Science ul. Morska 81-87, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(4):168-172
Sauerkraut is a popular food product in Poland. The consumption of sauerkraut, according to different sources, ranges from 4 to 5 kg/person/year. The objective of this study was to provide information on the nutritional and health properties of sauerkraut and to assess some selected distinctive features of sensory quality of sauerkraut from organic and conventional farming. The hypothesis of the study assuming that organic sauerkraut has a better tastiness, has been verified positively. The assessed types of sauerkraut have significantly different taste and aroma, the consumers have valued the organic sauerkraut significantly higher than the sauerkraut from conventional farming. No statistically significant difference was indicated in the assessment of sauerkraut from organic farming and conventional, only the aroma was statistically significant difference.
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