The comparison of effects of thermal spraying Eutalloy 10112 and laser alloying with silicon nitride of cast iron outmost disk coulter
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Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Machines and Motor Vehicle, Poznan, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2015;60(1):88-92
The aim of this research was to evaluate an effect of surface layer condition of machine parts working in sand on abrasive wear intensity, and particularly comparison of two surface treatments - thermal spraying and laser alloying. The outmost disk coulters of ‘Poznaniak’ seeder were tested. Special laboratory tester called ‘rotated bowl’ used in wear research in sand was used. The research showed, that by applied surface treatments it is possible to change the microstructure of outmost disk coulter surface layer and in this way increase their hardness and wear resistance. By laser alloying 2,5-times and after thermal spraying 3-times hardness increase was achieved in comparison to untreated outmost disk coulter. Part of modified area after laser alloying was considerably smaller than after thermal spraying. Wear of outmost disk coulter after laser alloying was 5-times and after thermal spraying was 6-times smaller than wear of outmost disk coulter without treatment. Both treatments allowed to considerably decrease wear of tested elements, but taking into account size of modified areas, laser alloying could be more effective treatment than thermal spraying.
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