The comparison of the bioactive compounds content in selected leafy vegetables coming from organic and conventional production
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Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS-SGGW), Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, Department of Functional and Organic Food and Commodities, ul. Nowoursynowska 159c, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2016;61(3):218-223
Four species of leafy vegetables from organic and conventional production (coriander, leaf mustard, rocket salad and watercress) were used in this experiment. The research material consisted of edible parts of vegetables harvested in the beginning of September 2015. After harvest, dry matter content of plant samples was determined. Then plant material was freezedried and stored at -80oC until further laboratory analyses (for chlorophylls, total polyphenols, phenolic acids, flavonoids, carotenoids) were performed. The experiment indicated no differences in dry matter and chlorophylls content between plants from organic and conventional production. At the same time organic vegetables contained, on average, significantly more polyphenols (total) and phenolic acids in comparison to conventional ones. In contrast, plants from conventional production were more abundant in total flavonoids and carotenoids. The effect of agricultural production methods on the content of individual phenolic compounds and carotenoids in vegetables was also observed. Among the examined species, coriander (especially the organic one) was the richest in total polyphenols, in that phenolic acids and flavonoids, as well as carotenoids and chlorophylls. The obtained results provide confirmation that the leafy vegetables, especially those from organic farming, serve as important sources of valuable compounds, i.e. antioxidants with beneficial effects on the human body. Thus, they should be recommended in a preventive healthcare.
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