This article presents material parameters for models used to represent soil in LS-DYNA package to numerically simulate
interaction between soil and elementary working body – double-face wedges. Comparison of simulation results with the
known data of natural tests is given. The modeling of interaction between soil and a share-moulboard surface of plough
with the LS-DYNA software by Lagrange’s method is considered.
Sineokov G.N., Panov I.M.: Teoriya i raschet pochvoobrabatyvayushchih mashin. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1977. 328 pp.
Modelirovanie deformacionnyh processov v gruntah s ispol’zovaniem programm ANSYS i LS-DYNA. [Elekronnyj resurs] // CAE-Services: inzhenernyj konsalting i raschety dlya promyshlennyh predprijatij. Rezhim dostupa []. Data dostupa 15.02.2013.
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