The effect of microbial silage additives on biogas production from perennial energy grasses
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Prof. W. Dąbrowski Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology in Warsaw ul. Rakowiecka 36; 02-532 Warszawa, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(2):68-71
The effect of two different microbial additives on perennial energy grasses - switchgrass and big bluestem - was tested regarding the general silage quality and the biogas production from ensiled biomass. Biomass was harvested at the end of June 2013 and ensilaged with or without silage additives comprising different lactic acid bacteria strains. Methane fermentation of experimental silages was carried out at 39°C for at least 30 days. During ensiling process the content of structural polisaccharides was reduced. The effect of additives on the chemical composition of perennial grass silages was varied depending on the species of grass. Regardless of the additives, in all silages higher amount of acetic acid (methane precursor) than lactic acid was detected. The highest biogas production was obtained from switchgrass silages treated with 11CH4 additive and big bluestem silages treated with Lactosil additive. The increase was compared to the lowest lignine content in these silages.
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