The effect of milking systems on the quantity and quality of cow milk
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Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy, Oddział w Poznaniu ul. Biskupińska 67, 60-463 Poznań, Poland
Lely East Sp. z o.o. Lisi Ogon, ul. Pocztowa 2a, 86-065 Łochowo, Poland
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu, Katedra Genetyki i Podstaw Hodowli Zwierząt ul. Wołyńska 33, 60-637 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(4):193-196
The subject of the study refers to the effect of housing and milking systems on yield, chemical composition, and cytological quality of milk from primiparous cows held in two barns belonging to the same owner where cows were fed using the same feed. Cows from barn C were kept in deep litter and milked in a fishbone milking parlour, whereas cows from barn M were kept in box stalls with litter bedding and milked using milking robots manufactured by Lely. Data on 305-day lactation was collected from 82 cows in barn C and 246 primiparous cows in barn M. Primiparous cows from barn M showed better yields and better cytological quality of milk. Milk yield obtained during lactation in barn C was equal to 8,108 kg and in barn M - to 9,175 kg. Differences in kg milk yield, fat yield, and protein yield were statistically highly significant in favour of the herd in barn M. The percentage of milk samples with a somatic cell count (SCC) exceeding 400,000 per 1 ml was 10.5% for barn C and 2.5% for barn M. Percentage of milk samples of the highest quality, with an SCC lower than 100,000, was higher in barn M.
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