The effect of season on the concentration of odours in deep-litter piggery
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Institute of Technology and Life Sciences, Poznan Branch, Department of Environmental Management in Livestock Buildings and Air Protection, ul. Biskupińska 67, 60-463 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(1):132-135
The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of season on the concentration of odours in mechanically ventilated deep-litter piggery. In studied facility growing-finishing pigs were kept (25-110 kg). The study included five production cycles. In the period from July 2013 to February 2015 46 series of measurements were made. During the study a total of 92 air samples were collected. The sampling point was located inside the piggery, close to the ventilation duct removing air from the building. Air samples were analysed in the olfactometric laboratory within 24 hours from the time of collection. The concentration of odours in the air samples were determined by dynamic olfactometry with the olfactometer TO 8, according to PN-EN 13725:2007. The geometric mean value of odour concentration during all study was 1,085 ouE·m-3, and for studied seasons: spring - 1,048 ouE·m-3, summer - 760 ouE·m-3 and autumn-winter - 1,776 ouE·m-3. The odour concentration was correlated with outside temperature (r=-0.63), which determined microclimate parameters in piggery. Additionally, odour concentration was correlated with inside temperature (r=-0.66) and relative humidity (r=0.65). The statistical analysis showed statistically significant differences in odour concentrations only between summer and autumn-winter period (p≤0.05).
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