The effect of silicon application on growth of spring wheat under organic farming
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Institute of Plant Protection - NRI, Department of Biological Methods and Organic Farming, ul. W. Węgorka 20, 60-318 Poznań, Poland
Institute of Plant Protection - NRI, Department of Agrophages’ Forecasting Methods, ul. W. Węgorka 20, 60-318 Poznań, Poland
Field Research Station IPP - NRI, Winna Góra
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2018;63(3):20-23
Application of silicon (Si) could greatly boost wheat yield and mitigate abiotic stress, especially drought. A field experiment was conducted during 2017- 2018 at the research farm. Evaluation of impact of different methods of application of two Si fertilizers on growth and parameters of yielding of wheat was made. The treatments consisted of the recommended dose of two used Si fertilizers – Adesil and ZumSil at 10 kg and 0,3 l·ha-1, respectively. Spring wheat cv. Arabella was used in the field experiments. The effect of silicon was assessed by measuring emergence, height of plants, density of spikes and the SPAD index. The number of plants emergence, the height of plants and density of spikes 1m-2 were the highest after application of liquid ZumSil, regardless of the method of application. The study revealed a significant effect of silicon on plant.
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