The effect of white mustard proximity on broad bean injuries due to weevils (Sitona spp.)
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University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, Department of Agricultural Environment Protection, Al. Mickiewicza 21, 31-120 Kraków, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2015;60(3):95-99
The investigations aimed at an assessment of white mustard effect, as an accompanying crop, cultivated in two variants: parallely and as strips surrounding the main crop - broad bean, Bartek c.v., on the degree of the main crop injuries due to weevil beetles and larvae. The field experiment comprised the following objects: broad bean, Bartek cv. in pure culture, sown at 50 cm x10 cm spacing; broad bean spaced 60 cm x10 cm with white mustard as the crop intersown between the rows and broad bean spaced 50 x 10 cm, with a 50 cm wide mustard stripe surrounding the plot (in this case the width of broad bean stripes was 3 m). The assessment of weevil beetles feeding intensity was conducted by measuring the area consumed, determining the percentage of injured leaves and computing the leaf blade loss due to their feeding. In order to determine the larvae harmfulness, the underground plant parts were analyzed. Broad bean cultivated together with white mustard, both in the interrows and as surrounding stripes contributed to a considerable decrease in broad bean leaves injuries due to Sitona beetles. On the other hand, broad bean cultivation as surrounding stripes contributed to a considerably decreased injury of root nodules caused by weevil larvae.
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