The effects of milking automation on a family farm
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Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy, Oddział w Poznaniu ul. Biskupińska 67, 60-463 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2018;63(1):144-149
Analysis of consequences after changes in the system of maintenance and milking on a family farm has been carried out. In a conventional cowshed a herd of 30 cows was tethered, with littered cubicles and a pipeline milking system. In December 2014 the herd was taken to a modern, newly built shed. This shed was designed so as to use a free stall cow maintenance system and was equipped with 85 stands in cubicles with litter and cavity floor at corridors. A single-station robot, Astronaut A4, manufactured by Lely was used for milking. Daily labour inputs in a conventional shed amounted to 14.5 minutes per 1 cow, whereas in a modern shed they have decreased fivefold and amounted to 2.8 minutes per 1 cow. The working conditions of service, as well as environmental conditions of cows have also improved. After relocation of cattle to a new shed a rapid increase in the milk yield has been noted, both in the first year, as well in the following years. The year-to-year increase in productivity was over 2 thousand kg per head. Cytological quality of milk has improved and the number of cows with subclinical and clinical inflammation of the udder has decreased.
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