The evaluation of the range of organic food from Polish and foreign producers in the selected retail stores in Piaseczno and its vicinity
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The Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), Department of Functional and Organic Food and Commodities, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2014;59(3):70-75
Poland is a country where organic food enjoys a growing interest among consumers who care about a healthy lifestyle and pay attention to the quality of the consumed products. The increase in environmental awareness leads to a consumer’s search for the food free of artificial chemical additives and impurities, and, therefore, the food beneficial for health. The aim of the study was to analyse the range of organic products from Polish and foreign producers in all specialised stores offering organic food in Piaseczno and its vicinity. The results show that in three-quarters of the examined shops the share of imported products surpassed this one of domestic products on the shelves. All the organic products were of European origin. The store assortment was not sufficiently diversified, with cereal products prevailing, while the products with a short shelf life and convenience food were lacking. The priority should be an emphasis on the growth of consumer awareness in order to make an conscious choice of products and to acquire the ability to distinguish organic products from others, as well as on the promotion of domestic products.
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