The hierarchy of decision-making criteria for choosing organic food by consumers on the example of vegetables and fruits with the use of the AHP method
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Institute of Biosystems Engineering, Poznan University of Life Sciences ul. Wojska Polskiego 50, 60-637 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(4):54-58
Intensification of agriculture is one of the threats to the environment. Large amounts of applied mineral fertilizers and chemical plant protection products cause soil pollution, as well as pollution of surface and ground waters. Some of the harmful substances get into the human digestive tract through plants and animals. Therefore, more and more people introduce organic food into the menu in the care of health and safety. Organic farming is both safe for the environment and it allows the production of food, which is free of impurities (residues of plant protection products).Consumers are increasingly demanding for quality food, so sale of organic products continues to increase. The aim of this study was to select and prioritize criteria of the decision-making process related to the selection of organic food on the example of vegetables and fruits with the use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). For the purpose of the study, 20 consumers were surveyed to purchase organic food. They determined specific criteria that have (in their belief) a significant impact on the decision to purchase organic vegetables and fruits. Researches have shown that during the selection of organic food, consumers pay a lot of attention to the look and taste of the purchased products.
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