The identification and quantification of factors determining soil compaction caused by single agricultural tyres on a field
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Poznan University of Life Sciences, Institute of Biosystems Engineering Wojska Polskiego 28, 60-637 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2018;63(4):24-30
In field research, the influence of factors determining soil compaction in an arable layer caused by agricultural tyres during the first pass was determined. The factors were the following: a normal load of tyres resulting from a static load of a tractor axle, dimensions of tyres: diameter, and width as well as pressure determined by a simplified method. The research was conducted on soil cultivated with ploughing – Luvisol loamy sand. It was generally shown that tyre load was the main determinant of soil compressing. A bigger tyre load leads to higher soil density only in a deeper arable layer. Higher soil density caused by bigger tyres is the result of their higher load rather than their higher external diameter. Wider driving tyres of a similar diameter caused only slightly lower soil density mainly at a greater depth in an arable layer. Pressure determined by a simplified method is not correlated with soil density changed by tyres. A soil density increment caused by the investigated tyres was from approx. 30% to approx. 65% of the whole growth potential.
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