The importance of structural and practical unidentifiability in modeling and testing of agricultural machinery. Identifiability testing of aggregate model parameters tractor baler-wrapper
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Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Przemysłowy Instytut Maszyn Rolniczych
Metal-Fach Sp. z o.o
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2021;66(1):4-9
New methods of parametric identification are presented in particular tests of identifiability and non-identifiability of model parameters. A definition of the concept of identifiability of model parameters is presented. Methods for testing identifiability using Laplace transform using similarity transformation and using symbolic calculations are described. Available software for testing model identifiability is presented. These are programs for symbolic calculations (MAPLE MATHEMATICA) operating in the form of web applications and in the form of tools for the Matlab environment. The method of introducing the model to the computational environment in the form ordinary differential equations (ODE) is presented. Examples of calculations identifiability of parameters of the complex model of the tractor-single-axle agricultural machine e.g. a baler-wrapper are included.
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