The influence of material and process parameters and construction parameters on the density of pellets from of waste plant materials
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Białystok University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Agricultural and Food Techniques, ul. Wiejska 45E, 15-351 Białystok, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2014;59(1):94-99
This paper presents the results of tests of the influence of material and process, and construction parameters on maximum densifying pressures and density of pellets obtained in the process of densification of a mixture of plant waste in the form of unshredded buckwheat hulls, and a mixture of buckwheat hulls and potato pulp. The tests of densification of buckwheat hulls were conducted on an SS-3 stand with an “open chamber – densification piston” working system, according to the Hartley experiment plan. On the basis of the conducted tests it was found out that buckwheat hulls are a material with a low susceptibility to densification. Shredding buckwheat hulls considerably increase their susceptibility to densification. An addition of potato pulp to buckwheat hulls reduces the densifying pressures necessary to obtain pellets of high quality of mixture of buckwheat hulls and potato pulp. As far as the obtained pellets density is concerned, an addition of 15% of potato pulp is the most beneficial quantity added to buckwheat hulls.
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