The methodology of multiple criteria decision making for selecting the refrigeration system of gastronomic furniture
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Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Transport Engineering, Institute of Work Machines and Motor Vehicles, ul. Piotrowo 3, 60-965 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2019;64(2):15-18
The growing request for refrigeration gastronomic furniture make necessary to functional and correct select the refrigeration unit. Unfortunately, it is not impossible just indicate one best solution. The best solution can be chosen for a specific user, taking into account the specific requirements of the product. The multiple criteria choice procedure presented the article may be used to implement such undertaking. In addition, the available methods used for multiple criteria decision making are presented, and one of them is selected for the selected decision problem. Based on real values and criteria, the methodology was presented and a multiple criteria analysis was carried out to support the final selection.
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