The relationship between the activity of dehydrogenases and phosphatases and the content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban soils
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Institute of Soil Science, Environment Engineering and Management, Lublin University of Life Sciences, Poland
Department of General and Environmental Microbiology, Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2014;59(3):8-11
The humus horizons of soils in 12 park gardens located in cities of eastern and south Poland and Upper Silesia were the objects of study. Gardens situated in city centres and suburbs were included in the test. The location of park gardens and the related intensity of anthropogenic pressure were factors significantly affecting the activity of dehydrogenases and phos-phatases, and the PAH content in the studied urban soils. The relationship between the dehydrogenase and phosphatases activity and the PAH content in soils varied, depending on the location of the park gardens, which shows that it is deter-mined mostly by the condition of the environment, as shaped by the intensity of anthropogenic pressure.
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